Beauty|Baking|Fashion|Lifestyle Blog

I've started this blog to talk about the things I love; one of them being beauty. I'm a 14 year old girl who loves all things beauty related - skincare, makeup, hair, nails; so much so that when I'm older I want to become a dermatologist. Because I'm only 14 I find that all the best beauty bloggers are 20+ which means their skin is different and they are able to wear make up to there heart's content, where as we have to wear the "right amount" for our age. This blog is for everyone. But I will be aiming it at girls my age, who are interested in mainly beauty, but also baking, fashion and healthy eating. I upload every Sunday. :)

Saturday, 1 August 2015

Real Techniques Face Brushes

When it comes to applying makeup you're either a fingers girl, or a brushes girl. I am most definitely a brushes girl. And the Real Techniques brushes are amazing! They are really easy to clean because they are synthetic, this means no hairs fall out. They are really soft, and There is a HUGE range. These are just the base brushes:
. The powder brush
. The expert face brush
. The buffing brush
. The contour brush 
. The pointed foundation brush
. The detailer brush

The powder brush, I use for an all-over bronze, and powder, obviously.
I use the expert face brush for foundation, BB cream, or concealer, mainly around my nose. 
I use the buffing brush for blusher because it fits on the apples of my cheeks perfectly.
The contour brush, I use for contour (again, it's quite obvious. The clue's in the name), concealer, putting powder under my eyes to make sure my concealer doesn't go anywhere. 
To be honest with you, I don't ever really use the pointed foundation brush. I just think it's a bit pointless. It's too small to use for foundation, but too big to do precise concealing, or something like that. 
And last but not least, the detailer brush. I use this as a lip brush. It is the perfect size, but it's not that easy to clean. :( that's why it looks a bit red in the picture!
Overall I think the Real Techniques brushes are really nice, and really good value (You can get a set for around £20). There are other sets and other collections, all the brushes are different shapes and sizes, and all have different uses.
I use these brushes all the time and I thought I should tell you guys about them too. They are sold in Boots and Superdrug, in sets and singles, so they are really easy to pick up.
Hope this helps in some way, and make sure you comment down below telling me what you want me to do next.
Dream on.❤️
Dolly x